Koala reporting in for my very first post! Yay!
I guess I'll start with about my journey to this fascinating island!
Left good ol' Sydney that cold Tuesday morning and flew to the "Lion City" (where I was greeted with super humidity). Had a nice li'l 19-hour transit there. Just enough time to catch up with some ol' mates, get good fill of the local delicacies, quickly check out the new sights, and a good night's sleep ^_^
At around noon the next day I was on that flight to Taipei. Before they served lunch, managed to get teary-eyed watching the inspiring "Invictus" on the in-flight entertainment... then took a quick nap and the next thing I knew, we were making our decent into Taoyuan International Airport! Got so excited I forgot to put on my seat belt! ^_^
Went smoothly through all the formalities and waited in the arrivals for dear Piggy to arrive on her flight from Jakarta... all the while, feeling like it was all still a big dream... it was only after seeing Piggy walk out that arrival gate and hugging her it all started to sink in... Yipee!!! Taiwan here we come!!!
(click on the picture below to see it all unfold in colour ^_^)

Koala, over and out! (for now)
Yay Koala! :D Nice to read the 1st post ever! Keep bloggin! :D